How Structure and Anatomy Affect Your Grooming
Jonathan David
Structure and anatomy affect the balance and proportion of all dogs, so groomers sometimes need to “camouflage groom” or hide faults in the coats. This session will cover common structural faults encountered every day and how to hide them to bring out the best features for a beautifully finished groom.
Tweaked Faces and Twists on Tails
Jayne Gallagher
Join Jayne on a journey into the fun world of demystifying cute faces and tail art. Learn how to sculpt adorable faces and highlight the best features of the many different types of dogs that come into your everyday salon. Then the often understated tail will be front and center. This class will change the way you see your dogs, from head to tail!
No Butts About It!
Melissa Jepson
This fun, interactive class tackles the rear half of the dog. We have plenty that focus on the front but the back is just as important! You’ll learn how to create angulation, flattering looks, and a rear that sticks out.
Let’s Face It
Kelsey Ann Sexton
Join Kelsey Ann as she shares and demonstrates some quick tips to change up your everyday dog grooming heads into little masterpieces. She will give her tricks to wow your clients with an adorable-looking face, even if the rest of them might be a shave-down.